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MyDream-Quilted Eye Mask Infused with Copper Ions. Limited time offer.

MyDream-Quilted Eye Mask Infused with Copper Ions. Limited time offer.

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price $22.00 USD Sale price $15.00 USD
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Proudly manufactured in Canada our Eye Mask is made from ultra soft Organic Cotton fibers and Infused with Copper Ions.  Designed with a soft elastic strap to easily fit over your head.  Light-weight, Breathable and Comfortable.  Easy care wash.

We utilize a Patent Pending Copper Technology to bond copper ions onto fibers at a molecular level. Our Eye Mask fabric  has been approved for Medical Device Establishment License in Canada. 

Lab test results on copper-infused fabric show 99.9% reduction after 24 hours for Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus MRSA.  After 25 washes the results still maintained at 99.9% reduction in bacteria.

Get the health benefits of Copper while you are sleeping with MyDream Eye Mask.

Copper is an essential trace mineral found in all body tissues.  Together with iron, it enables the body to form red blood cells, maintaining nerve cells and the immune system.

Thermal regulating properties of Copper is a natural benefit for blood flow.  Better blood flow helps to deliver nutrients to organs and tissue that promotes skin health and immunity. 

Our Copper-infused Eye Mask provides a healthier environment for sleeping.  Studies have shown a wide range of beneficial properties from being anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-mite.  

Articles & Studies on Copper:

How sleep can boost your body's immune response  Researchers have demonstrated the importance of good-quality sleep time and time again, showing that a solid night’s rest can contribute to many aspects of physical and mental well-being. One new study has explained how sleep contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system.  

Aerosol and Surface Stability of SARS-CoV-2 as Compared with SARS-CoV-1  A recent study from the U.S. National Institutes of Health, Center for Disease Control, UCLA and Princeton University scientists found that the COVID-19 virus survived for less than four hours on copper surfaces, compared to up to three days on plastic and stainless steel

Copper-coated face masks could help slow transmission of COVID-19: U of T researchers  A team of researchers from the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering are developing a new way to coat tiny particles of copper onto the inside of fabrics, including those used in face masks – a technology that could provide an extra layer of safety against COVID-19.

Potential Benefits of Copper Coatings in Fighting Against COVID-19.  Dr. Allison McGeer from Mount Sinai Hospital explaining the anti-bacterial benefits of Copper coatings  Bacterial contamination of surfaces in hospitals, food processing facilities, and restaurants is the underlying cause of many, often life-threatening, microbial infections.  

Using Copper to Improve the Well-Being of the Skin                  

Reduction of facial wrinkles depth by sleeping on copper oxide-containing pillowcases

Coronavirus 229E Remains Infectious on Common Touch Surface Materials 

Copper oxide impregnated wound dressing: biocidal and safety studies 

Putting copper into action: copper‐impregnated products with potent biocidal activities

Disclaimer:  As this product does not replace your medication please continue as advised by your health care provider.  With any alternative therapeutic product, you may ask your health care provider if this product is right for you.

Important: All sleepwear items are final sale/non refundable.
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